Eco-friendly. Fair. And functional.

Green Shape
How do you decide whether a material, process or product is environmentally friendly. Especially when there are no worldwide standards, no operating evaluation systems, and no international or uniform certificates to go by. This is why we developed our own rating system for environmentally friendly outdoor products: Green Shape. We use the VAUDE Green Shape criteria to evaluate our products with regard to their environmental friendliness. For us, Green Shape is an ongoing challenge.
Learn What Green Shape is About
VAUDE’s Green Shape proves that sustainability and performance can live in perfect harmony
Almost 90% of the wide range of textiles we use are biobased, recycled or are natural materials. Using environmentally friendly processes and with fair working conditions, they are then made into the most sustainable products VAUDE has on offer. We are of the opinion that sustainability and performance are not contradictory, but rather create a strong drive for our capacity to innovate.