We are taking initiative.
Fair production is also possible in Asia.
Ever wondered why a large part of the VAUDE product range is manufactured in Asia, even though the quality of working conditions there is controversial? You might not be aware of it yet, but fair and ethical production is also possible in Asia.
Much of the textile industry has moved to Asia since the ’80s
Major textile production facilities no longer exist in Germany. And even if they did, the significantly higher labor costs in Europe would pose a major problem. Our VAUDE products would cost twice as much for you, our customers. We are certain that the decisive factor is not where production takes place – but how. In our fair production facilities, we are committed to fair wages in Asia and are ensuring good working conditions for the people who make your gear and apparel. The task isn’t always easy – but we are working to meet this challenge based on our convictions.
“At this year’s Brand Performance Check (BPC) by the Fair Wear Foundation (FWF), VAUDE achieved an audit rate of 100 % and a Benchmark Score of 94 % giving this mountain sports supplier from Tettnang the best rating of all member companies at the present time. These excellent results validate VAUDE’s position as a “Leader”; the company remains one of the few brands to have achieved this best possible category at the FWF.”
Stefanie Karl, Fair Wear Foundation