40 years of passion for the mountains
Thinking with foresight. Being considerate in our dealings with others. Acting from the heart. This is how we can move forward. In outdoor sports. In everyday life. And in the development of sustainable products. Because future generations will only be able to enjoy the mountains and a pristine planet if we conserve what we love.
Gentle on the planet. Fair for the people of the world. And functional for you. That’s what outdoor gear is all about.
Today, in the face of advancing climate change, our planet and our mountains are showing a fragility that we’ve long underestimated. The mountains are telling us that it is time to reevaluate. It is time to step up and take responsibility, to change course so that the children of tomorrow can experience the wonders of this planet in the diverse and fascinating form that we know it today.
VAUDE has taken on this responsibility for many years. As Europe’s most sustainable outdoor supplier, we are a pioneer, challenging conventions and pushing the limits to create forward-looking functional products and sustainable solutions through innovation

Responsibility, for People and Nature
We have been working with the strict environmental bluesign® standard since 2001, which controls the entire textile manufacturing chain. We were also the first Outdoor company to receive EMAS certification. We will also continue to improve our environmental performance in the future and have set ourselves the goal of gradually transforming the entire product palette so that it is manufactured according to the highest standards of environmental compatibility. We are working to make (y)our world a better place.
- 98% of our clothing collection is Green Shape (backpacks: 93%, shoes: 43%)
- 100% of our clothing is PFC-free (shoes: 98%, backpacks: 98%)
- 100% of our "Made in Germany" collection is PVC-free with climate-neutral production.
- 100% of our producers and suppliers are mentioned in our sustainability report.
- 100% of our manufacturers have committed to adhering to the Restricted Substances List (RSL).
- 98% of our material suppliers have committed to adhering to the Restricted Substances List (RSL).
Our goal is to create a balance between ecological, social and economic responsibility. The expense that this involves is enormous. But we are convinced that it makes sense and is worthwhile in the long term.
Watch the following video to know more about VAUDE and our CEO, Antje von Dewitz.
Good reasons to choose VAUDE
Eco-friendly products
We offer many environmentally friendly products that you can choose from with a clear conscience. All products that bear the Green Shape label are functional, environmentally friendly, made with sustainable materials and manufactured under fair production methods.
Fair products
Together with the Fair Wear Foundation (FWF), we are committed to ensuring good working conditions and fair wages at our worldwide suppliers, who are regularly monitored.
Easy to repair
We help you to maintain your equipment properly so that you can enjoy it as long as possible. And if something breaks down, our products are designed to be easily repaired, whether on your own or through our repair workshops.
Tested and recommended
Athletes and experts regularly test and evaluate our products Numerous product awards confirm that you can rely on your VAUDE equipment.